LATE ABSTRACT SUBMISSION (only for poster session)                   16th August 2024
REGISTRATION DEALINE                                                                     20th August 2024

Registration and abstract submission

Click to register or to login to the registration system.
The terms and conditions of the conference can be found here: English version, Polish version.
Abstracts for oral or poster presentations should be sent via email to ICCPC2024@uj.edu.pl
Abstracts should be prepared using ICCPC Abstract Template.

Our partners





Welcome message

Dear Colleagues

We are thrilled to host in Kraków the 3rd International Conference of Contemporary Pharmacy Challenges under the theme „Enhancing Pharmaceuticals through Interdisciplinary Research.” This conference builds on the previous two, held in Wisła, Poland and Dortmund, Germany respectively. This time, it will coincide with the 100th anniversary of the Chair of Pharmaceutical Technology and Biopharmaceutics at Jagiellonian University Medical College in Kraków, Poland. To honor our traditions by looking into the future, we have expanded the conference’s scope by including scientific panels on modeling and simulation in pharmaceutics, emerging pharmaceutical technologies and dosage forms, colloidal delivery systems for small molecules, biological drugs and vaccines, and industrial issues and cases. We believe that bringing together scientists from various fields and countries will create a truly interdisciplinary platform for exchanging experience, knowledge and sparking brilliant ideas for scientific excellence. Wholeheartedly welcome to this unique event in our wonderful and magical city of Kraków.

Invited Lectures

Prof. Thomas Rades University of Copenhagen
„Peculiar phenomena in amorphous drugs: from polyamorphism to antiplastizing water”

Prof. Peter Kleinebudde Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
“Continuous manufacturing of solid dosage forms”
Prof. Axel Zeitler University of Cambridge
„How low-frequency vibrational spectroscopy can be used to investigate order and disorder in organic molecular materials?”
Prof. Gabriele Sadowski TU Dortmund
“Shelf life and dissolution behavior of ASDs – thermodynamics is the key”

Prof. Eric Munson Purdue University
„Correlating Structural Properties of Small and Large Molecule Formulations with Functional Properties”
Prof. Niklas Sandler CurifyLabs
“The future of personalised medicine manufacture in hospitals and pharmacies”

Scientific panels

PhysCharAmor – Physicochemical characterization of amorphous systems
FundCrystAmor – Fundamentals of crystallization from amorphous phase
StabAmor – Stability of amorphous systems
Mod&SimPharm – Modelling and simulations in pharmaceutics
SolDisImpro – Solubility and/or dissolution improvement and methods
EmergPharmTech – Emerging pharmaceutical technologies and dosage forms
CollDelSys – Colloidal delivery systems for small molecules, biological drugs, and vaccines
IndIssues – Industrial issues and cases

Important Dates

  Abstract submission deadline 30th June 2024
  Abstract acceptance deadline 14th July 2024
  Early bird registration deadline 30th June 2024
  Late registration deadline 20th August 2024

Price table

    Early bird registration  Late registration
  Student 900 PLN (approx. 205 €) 1100 PLN (approx. 250 €)
1400 PLN (approx. 320 €) 1600 PLN (approx. 360 €)
  Industry 1800 PLN (approx. 410 €) 2000 PLN (approx. 450 €)


*Please note that the payment is issued in PLN (Polish Złoty), and the prices listed in Euro are simply approximate and may fluctuate based on exchange rates.

Conference Chairs

Aleksander Mendyk
Marian Paluch

Scientific Committee (in alphabetical order)

Aleksander Mendyk (Poland)
Eric Munson (USA)
Frédéric Affouard (France)
Gabriele Sadowski (Germany)
Kohsaku Kawakami (Japan)
Marian Paluch (Poland)
Peter Kleinebudde (Germany)
Raj Suryanarayanan (USA)
Raymond Lau (Singapore)
Sebastian Polak (Poland)

Stefano Giovagnoli (Italy)
Thomas Rades (Denmark)

Secretary of the Conference

Mateusz Kurek

Organizing Committee (in alphabetical order)

Adam Pacławski
Aleksander Mendyk
Anna Górska
Bartosz Lisowski
Ewelina Łyszczarz
Jakub Szlęk
Justyna Knapik-Kowalczuk
Justyna Srebro
Marian Paluch
Mateusz Kurek
Natalia Łapińska
Seweryn Ulaszek
Witold Brniak
Witold Jamróz

Contact e-mail
