Faculty information

Guidelines for Incoming Erasmus Students at the Faculty of Pharmacy
Jagiellonian University Medical College


Students applying to study in the Faculty of Pharmacy of Jagiellonian University Medical College may choose to:

  • follow the pharmacy, medical analysis, cosmetology, or Drug Discovery and Development courses (the Faculty of Pharmacy requires foreign students to have a B2 level in Polish in order to pursue pharmacy courses and a B2 level in English in order to pursue Drug Discovery and Development courses)
  • participate in Erasmus research opportunities to initiate their research skills (the number of ECTS points will be determined based on the decision of the responsible personnel overseeing the project; the Faculty of Pharmacy requires foreign students to have a B2 level in Polish or English to participate in research projects).



Additional information:

  • Students applying in the field of pharmacy/medical analysis/cosmetology/ Drug Discovery and Development must submit their complete applications to the Erasmus office by latest June 30th of the preceding the academic year
  • Students who apply for one semester will NOT be eligible for credits which are held over two semesters as the lectures are spread out over both semesters
  • Students who apply to follow credits in the second semester of the Third or Fourth Year of the course will NOT be eligible to sit for the Final Examinations which are held at the end of that academic year, since students are examined in the subjects they have covered at least two semesters
  • Students will be accepted to follow credits on condition that they follow study units from equivalent programme and for the same year. Requests to attend modules which are offered in another year will not be considered
  • Requests to follow a research project will be considered for second semester (February-July)
  • Requests to follow only practice in hospital pharmacy will be considered for the second semester (July-September).