
Research projects:

1. ” Bioremediation of water pollution caused by drugs and cosmetics by Cunninghamella fungi – a biotechnological strategy for environmental clean-up”, Polish National Science Centre, grant number 2020/37/B/NZ7/02546, project manager – Karolina Słoczyńska, duration – 2021-2026;

2. ” An innovative cosmetic product for the enhancement of the pigmentation disorders treatment” (acronym: DepigmentCosm), Polish National Centre for Research and Development within the LIDER XI program, contract number LIDER/26/0094/L-11/19/NCBR/2020, project manager – Agnieszka Gunia-Krzyżak, duration – 2021-2023;


3. ” Modern fotoprotection – identification of the effective and safe UV filters in the groups of arylidenehydantoin and cinnamic acid derivatives”, Polish National Science Centre, grant number 2016/21/B/NZ7/01756, project manager – Elżbieta Pękala, duration – 2017-2020;

4. “Development of innovative stem cell products by AERO BW”, European Regional Development Fund, Regional Operational Programme for the Małopolska Region 2014-2020, grant number RPMP.01.02.01-IP.01-12-028/17, duration – 2019-2020