Witold Jamróz PhD

Contact Information
Pharm. D. Witold Jamróz
Chair of Pharmaceutical Technology and Biopharmaceutics
Faculty of Pharmacy

Jagiellonian University Medical College
ul. Medyczna 9, 30-688 Kraków, Poland
tel. 12 62-05-600
e-mail: witold.jamroz@uj.edu.pl

Current Research Area:
3D printing (3DP), 3D modeling, solid dosage forms, modified release dosage forms, methods for improving solubility, pharmaceutical availability studies.

Participation in Grants:
• UMO-2015/16 /W/NZ7/00404– SYMFONIA 3 – “Influence of physical processes and excipients on the characteristic properties of poorly water-soluble medicinal substances”
• UMO-2018/31/B/ST8/01327 – OPUS 16 – “Study of polymer matrices with medicinal substances obtained by 3D printing technique”
• POIR.01.01.01-00-0322/17 – “Development of extended release bolus preparations containing plant essential oils reducing the risk of SARA in dairy cows and improving production parameters”

Co-authorship of 16 chapters and 335 figures in 9 books.

Selected Publications:
1. Jamróz W., Kurek M., Łyszczarz E., Szafraniec J., Knapik-Kowalczuk J., Syrek K., Paluch M., Jachowicz R., 2017. 3D printed orodispersible films with Aripiprazole. Int. J. Pharm. 533 413-420,
2. Jamróz, W., Szafraniec, J., Kurek, M., Jachowicz, R., 2018. 3D Printing in Pharmaceutical and Medical Applications – Recent Achievements and Challenges. Pharm. Res. 35.
3. Jamróz, W., Kurek, M., Czech, A., Szafraniec, J., Gawlak, K., Jachowicz, R., 2018. 3D printing of tablets containing amorphous aripiprazole by filaments co-extrusion. Eur. J. Pharm. Biopharm. 131, 44–47.
4. Jamróz W, Kurek M, Szafraniec-Szczęsny J, Czech A, Gawlak K, Knapik-Kowalczuk J, Leszczyński B, Wróbel A, Paluch M, Jachowicz R. 2020. Speed it up, slow it down. An issue of bicalutamide release from 3D printed tablets. Eur J Pharm Sci. 2020 Feb 15;143:105169.
5. Jamróz, W.; Pyteraf, J.; Kurek, M.; Knapik-Kowalczuk, J.; Szafraniec-Szczęsny, J.; Jurkiewicz, K.; Leszczyński, B.; Wróbel, A.; Paluch, M.; Jachowicz, R. Multivariate Design of 3D Printed Immediate-Release Tablets with Liquid Crystal-Forming Drug—Itraconazole. Materials 2020, 13, 4961.