Student’s Scientific Group

Student Scientific Group of Pharmaceutical Technology


Parent Unit

Chair of Pharmaceutical Technology and Biopharmacy

Supervisor: prof. dr. hab. Aleksander Mendyk


Science Club Supervisors

 Dr. Witold Brniak / Dr. Mateusz Kurek

Activity Description

The Student Scientific Group of Pharmaceutical Technology is aimed at students interested in expanding their knowledge in various aspects of pharmaceutical technology. The group’s work is practical in nature and focuses mainly on research related to solid drug forms.

Group meetings are held in thematic groups according to an individual schedule determined by the current research plan. In the academic year 2022/2023, the group’s work focuses on two issues: the development of modified-release minitablets and the evaluation of the influence of parameters of hot-melt extrusion process on the properties of extruded filaments intended for 3D printing of solid drug forms.

The group is addressed to students in the third to fifth year of pharmacy studies, and classes are conducted in Polish.

Oral presentations are regularly prepared and delivered during the International Student Conferences of Scientific Societies of Medical Universities, held annually in Krakow. Interested students also participate in other national conferences and in the preparation of scientific articles. The list of conference reports by participants of the Pharmaceutical Technology Student’s Group is presented below.



Natalia Misiniec, Izabela Łuczak, Mateusz Zaborowski

Oral presentation „Development of new method of liquisolid system manufacturing in a high-speed granulator-mixer”, 23rd International Medical Students’ Conference 2015, Kraków


Joanna Kubica, Anna Firlej, Krystyna Pajdak

Poster „Enhancement of Dissolution of Ibuprofen in Solid Dispersion System with Polyethylene Glycol 8000” 24th International Medical Students’ Conference 2016, Kraków

Prezentacja ustna „Formułowanie stałego rozproszenia ibuprofenu z PEG 8000 jako metoda poprawy jego dostępności farmaceutycznej”, Ogólnopolska Konferencja Naukowa W kręgu myśli Paracelsusa- historia i współczesność w 475 rocznicę śmierci”, 2016, Kraków


Anna Firlej, Karolina Franczak, Adrian Miodowski, Dominika Świerzowska, Karolina Franczak

Oral presentation „Investigation on use of octaacetylmaltose as carrier for amorphous drug substances.” 25th International Medical Students’ Conference 2017, Kraków


Marta Zbrożek, Michalina Izak, Natalia Czub, Magdalena Pastucha, Dominik Strojewski, Karolina Kudła

Oral presentation „Study of the properties of excipients used in production of orally disintegrating tablets (ODT)”. 26th International Medical Students’ Conference 2018, Kraków


Justyna Srebro, Karolina Kudła, Michalina Izak, Natalia Mrozik, Marta Zbrożek, Natalia Czub, Dominik Strojewski, Katarzyna Koc, Angelika Łakota

Two oral presentations during 27th International Medical Students’ Conference 2019 in Kraków:

“Results of transforming developed ODT formulation into the production scale. Registration issues.”

“Development of orally disintegrating tablets containing high dose of poorly water soluble active ingredient of bitter taste.”

Presentation at the 9th Conference of Doctoral Students of the Jagiellonian University Medical College entitled: “Development of formulations of orally disintegrating tablets containing active substances with a bitter taste and difficult water solubility” (Krakow, June 1, 2019).


Justyna Srebro, Angelika Łakota, Katarzyna Koc, Paulina Łuczkowiec, Ita Kondera, Agnieszka Dużyk

Oral presentation „Development of pharmaceutical gummies as a novel chewable dosage form intended for paediatric use” 28th International Medical Students’ Conference 2020, Kraków


Bąk Urszula, Dużyk Agnieszka, Moczarska Zuzanna

Oral presentation “Preparation of 3D printed orodispersible tablets (ODTs) and their evaluation by means of the novel real-time dissolution imaging method” 30th International Medical Students’ Conference 2022, Kraków

Ciapa Anna, Klaudia Syty, Agata Grzejdziak, Wiktoria Kostyniak, Iga Ćwik, Justyna Żarek

Oral presentation “Development of pharmaceutical gummies with modified release microparticles” 30th International Medical Students’ Conference 2022, Kraków