Student’s Scientific Group

SKN of Medicinal Plant and Mushroom Biotechnology

Parent unit
Chair of Medicinal Plant and Mushroom Biotechnology
Head: Prof. dr. hab. Bożena Muszyńska

Supervisor of the Group
Prof. dr hab. Bożena Muszyńska

Description of activities
The scientific group has been active for more than thirty years. Currently, it deals with issues in the field of medicinal plant and mushroom biotechnology. The activities of the group include:
– expanding the knowledge of phyto and mycochemistry
– familiarization with the issues of mycology
– implementation of experimental work in the biotechnology of plants and mushrooms
– chemical analysis of active compounds in tissue and mycelial cultures (chromatographic techniques: TLC, PC, HPLC)

The Student Scientific Group of Medicinal Plant and Mushroom Biotechnology is engaged in conducting in vitro cultures of medicinal mushrooms and plants and analyzing secondary metabolites derived from them. The results of the group’s students’ work are reports at student international scientific conferences of medical universities. Members of the Student Scientific Group also take an active part in popularization-scientific activities such as: Festival of Science, Night of Scientists, are coordinators of Science and Education Young Pharmacy Krakow, take part in the organization of the Krakow parts of the nationwide preventive and educational actions “Ask a Pharmacist…Diabetes” and “Ask a Pharmacist…Hypertension”, the organization of the action “Antibiotic therapy under a pharmacist’s magnifying glass” in Krakow; the organization and conduct of the action “World Brain Week” in Krakow high schools.
Eight times, because in the academic year: 2013/2014; 2014/2015, 2015/2016, 2016/2017, 2017/2018, 2018/2019, 2020/2021 and 2022/2023, the Student Scientific Group of Medicinal Plant and Mushroom Biotechnology was awarded the title of the Best Scientific Group of the Faculty of Pharmacy of the Jagiellonian University CM and the award for the Best Supervisor of the Student Scientific Group of the Faculty of Pharmacy of the Jagiellonian University CM.