Pharmacy and Medical analytics in first place in the Perspektywy 2024 ranking

Zdjęcie przedstawicieli UJ na Gali wręczenia nagród Perspektywy 2024

PHARMACY and MEDICAL ANALYTICS – two fields of study conducted by the Faculty of Pharmacy of the Jagiellonian University Medical College have once again topped the Ranking of Fields of Study in the category of medical and health sciences prepared by the “Perspektywy” Educational Foundation!

The highest positions in medical fields were also taken by the following fields: medicine, dentistry, nursing, midwifery, emergency medical services, dietetics and public health, confirming the leading position of the Jagiellonian University Medical College in medical and health sciences. 

In turn, 6 majors from the Jagiellonian University triumphed: biology, biotechnology (master’s studies), chemistry, geology, special education, law.

We are proud of such a great success, because the Perspektywy Study Fields Ranking is the most important, from the point of view of study candidates, part of the study conducted for over 20 years by the Perspektywy Educational Foundation. It provides structured information about the most valuable fields of study conducted at Polish Universities.

Congratulations to all Students and Faculty Employees, because this is our joint achievement!

Link to the Perspektywy 2024 ranking in pharmaceutical sciences
