
Zdjęcie przedstawicieli UJ na Gali wręczenia nagród Perspektywy 2024
Pharmacy and Medical analytics in first place in the Perspektywy 2024 ranking

PHARMACY and MEDICAL ANALYTICS – two fields of study conducted by the Faculty of Pharmacy of the Jagiellonian University Medical College have once again topped the Ranking of Fields of Study in the category of medical and health sciences prepared by the “Perspektywy” Educational Foundation! The highest positions in medical fields were also taken by […]

How are new drugs created? Prof. Kołaczkowski: “It’s a relay race and team work”

Today, no one can invent a drug on their own. If I design a molecule today and in 15-20 years it turns out to be on the market, it does not mean that I invented the drug. It’s teamwork, step by step. A large group of people are working on this,” says Prof. Marcin Kołaczkowski, […]

Marcin Jakubiec, M.Sc., is the winner of the START Scholarship from the Foundation for Polish Science!

For the 32nd time, the Foundation for Polish Science (FPS) awarded one hundred young researchers with prestigious scholarships under the START program. Among the distinguished participants was Marcin Jakubiec, M.Sc. from the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry at the Jagiellonian University Medical College! Marcin Jakubiec, M.Sc., works in the prof. Krzysztof Kamiński’s team and is engaged […]

Studenckie koła naukowe tworza innowacje
Ministerial project for the Student Scientific Club of Organic Synthesis of JUMC

The Ministry of Science and Higher Education announced the results of the 4th edition of the “Student scientific clubs create innovations” program. The project “MechaTek – environmentally friendly mechanochemical synthesis of tecovirimate” was recommended for financing, which will be implemented by members of the Student Scientific Club of Organic Synthesis, operating at the Department of […]

Ranking QS 2024 by subject
The Jagiellonian University is the only one in Poland in the QS World Ranking by Subject 2024 in the Pharmacy & Pharmacology category

Great success of the Jagiellonian University! In the QS World Ranking by Subject 2024 published on April 10, 2024, the Jagiellonian University was classified in 21 disciplines, taking places from the second hundred of the world ranking. We are particularly proud of the fact that in the group of Pharmacy & Pharmacology fields, the Jagiellonian […]