Oenology Still Popular

On March 1st this year, as every year at this time, the inauguration of the 14th edition of postgraduate oenology studies took place at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the Jagiellonian University Collegium Medicum. The program enjoys unwavering popularity, and this year too, the number of candidates exceeded the number of places (30/25). A constant element of the recruitment for studies is the very wide range of education of the candidates and the professions they perform. It was no different this time – the list of accepted students included, among others, representatives of medical sciences (doctors, dentists and pharmacists), humanities (philologists) and economics, as well as graduates of military academies, including a Navy Commander.
The solemn inauguration was led by the head of studies, Dr. Eng. Maciej Gawlik, and the Dean of the Faculty, Prof. Dr. habil. Marcin Kołaczkowski, sent a congratulatory letter to the accepted students. Emphasizing the phenomenon of grape wine in the scientific sphere, the Dean drew attention to the still significant research problem lying in the not fully explained aspect of the health-promoting effects of grape wine. He also wished the students success in the field of oenology and the experience of wonderful impressions during the upcoming year of studies in the Royal City of Krakow.
