Take advantage of free, professional career counseling and career coaching services

We encourage you to take advantage of free, professional career counseling and coaching services for students and graduates of UJ CM.


Support services for the job market in the form of individual career counseling and coaching sessions.

Are you studying at UJ CM but have not yet decided where you would like to work after graduation? Are you unfamiliar with the job market in your field? Are you unsure whether the chosen career path is the right one and would like to discuss it with someone?

We invite you from February to July 2025 to take advantage of free, professional online services in the form of:

  • Career counseling

  • Career coaching

Counseling and coaching sessions are confidential and last approximately 1 hour.

CAREER COUNSELING – aimed at equipping individuals with up-to-date knowledge about the job market and providing tools for independent navigation within it.

Example topics of meetings:

  • Determining career predispositions, including through tests;

  • Career planning in the medical and healthcare sector;

  • Information on effective job search methods and employers in Poland and Europe;

  • Preparation of professional application documents (CV and cover letter) for a specific position;

  • Preparation for the recruitment process and self-presentation during job interviews;

  • Building a personal brand on social media and LinkedIn or GoldenLine;

  • Information about job market institutions, entrepreneurship support, job portals, and basic labor law.

Career counseling is available in Polish and English.


CAREER COACHING – sessions based on goals set by the student/graduate, where a coach helps make educational and career decisions (especially if there is uncertainty) and then helps create a plan to achieve them.


More information about job market support services is available on the website: Section for Didactics and Academic Careers CM
